Α high quality postgraduate intensive course organized by the European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology will be held in Trikala, Greece, at the Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, University of…
11.00: Madison Farnsworth - EMSEPCoaches’ perspectives on positive youth development through life skills Supervising Committee: Goudas Μ., Hatzigeorgiadis A., Kokaridas D. Abstract Positive youth development (PYD) has been long examined and researchers…
10.00 : Κωνσταντίνου Αικατερίνη (Konstantinou Katerina) The effect of a goal-setting intervention on the frequency of participation in organized exercise programmes Supervising Committee: Theodorakis Y., Hatzigeorgiadis A., Comoutos N. Abstract The purpose…
After long and hard work a series of four experiments have been completed in our Lab, from our postgraduate students Lefteris Papagiannis, Laur Nurkse and Jelle Kooijman, with the valuable contribution of…
The effects of self-talk in a golf putting task under the conditions of ego depletionby Laur Nurkse A thesis submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of European Master…
Vise Rector in 4-year term was elected Yiannis Theodorakis, Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences and also a professor in the European Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology, …
Info for Paou place: http://mpaou.uth.gr/en/
photo: Laur Nurkse Laur Nurkse "Overcoming the aftermath of physical fatigue: The effects of self-talk on divided attention" in 14th ENYSSP CONFERENCE in Zagreb, Croatia. 26th to 28th April 2018. Congrats Laur!
photo: Julian Fritsch The first prize for the "Best oral presentation" won our PhD student Julian Fritsch from Germany in ENYSSP conference in Zagreb.The topic was: "The spontaneous/ goal-directed self-talk framework and…
INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON OLYMPIC STUDIES FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC ACADEMY: 1st of September 2018 For more information, please visit Visit also the International Olympic Academy webpage http://ioa.org.gr/international-seminar-on-olympic-studies-for-postgraduate-students-2/ Students of our department,…