European Master Intensive Course 2018


Α high quality postgraduate intensive course organized by the
European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology 
will be held

in Trikala, Greece, at the Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, University of Thessaly,
from 22 to 27 of January 2018

This 6 day intensive course follows up last year's success, when our Department hosted 
41 international postgraduate students from 24 countries around the world:

Canada ,Chile, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Greece, India, Italy, Morocco, New Zealand, Poland, Romania,
Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain,
The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA,

 who attended classes delivered by 15 field experts.
Participants enjoyed a multicultural experience, and had the opportunity to discover the Greek culture and hospitality.

Please read the valuation of the Intensive Course 2017 :  CLICK4

For Photos of the 2017 course:

2018: 16 Lecturers from 11 European Countries

ani chroni.jpeg          ZOURBANOS.jpeg        GERNIGION.jpeg        goudas.jpeg
Chroni Stiliani


Comoutos Nikos
   Gernigon Christophe
  Goudas Marios

HATZIHEORGIADIS.jpeg             vana Houter.jpeg       Taru litunenbw.jpeg       Meganck.jpeg          Brigita Mieziene2 copy     Papaioannou.jpg
Hatzigeorgiadis A.
  Hutter Vana
The Netherlands   
  Lintunen Taru
   Meganck Jeroen
  Brigita Mieziene 
  Papaioannou A.

Montse Ruiz.jpeg       XavierSanchezBW                THEODORAKIS.jpeg           Teregrosa.jpeg       Najdia.jpeg

Montse Ruiz

  Sanchez Xavier
  Theodorakis Yiannis
  Toregrossa Miquel
  Walter Nadja

Anonymous Evaluation of 2017 Intensive Course in Sport & Exercise Psychology

Student 1

“I really enjoyed all of the courses that we participated in. It was awesome hearing about different researchers’ experiences and findings … I enjoyed that all of the instructors were from places around the world … All of the instructors were very passionate and knowledgeable on what they presented.”

Student 2

“It was an awesome experience; I didn’t imagine I was going to meet so many nice people from different countries and so good researchers/ teachers. Thank you for the opportunity.”

Student 3

“It was very unique experience, spent really quality time. Met with wonderful people … Will remember this IC with good memories.”

Student 4

“This was the greatest and most beneficial week I’ve had for a really long time … I really liked that the topics were very variable and covered an extent field of sport psychology. There was diversity with lectures from abroad countries and also students from countries around the world”

Student 5

“Great experience, once in a lifetime to meet in 6 days so many students and teachers from so many different countries … The multicultural characteristic of the program, the lectures, especially those who where interactive.”

Student 6

“I had a great time. Meeting lecturers from across globe was an enriching experience. Wish it was a little longer.”

 Student 7

“It was a great week with great experiences. A good opportunity to learn a lot and connect with other students. The organization was really good and everyone is very approachable. Thank you very much for this wonderful experience!”

Student 8

“A course very professional that gave us a lot of knowledge about psychology, with some great professors. It also gave me the opportunity to meet people from other countries and learn about their culture.”

Student 9

“It was inspiring, informative, made my future more clear. I feel like I have a better understanding of my studies and what areas I am interested in.”


The aim of the course is to provide Postgraduate  students with more in depth knowledge about research and practical experience in the field of Sport and Exercise Psychology. The course will enable multicultural communication, networking and cooperation among the students and the experts.
Certificates will be provided to all the participants of the course.

Examples of topics in the 2018 IC:

Chroni Stiliani – Stress and performance in elite coaches: Where and how do we come into play?
Gernigon Christophe – The dynamics of approach and avoidance motivation in sport
Hutter Vana - Professional development in applied sport psychology
Meganck Jeroen – Everything you always wanted to know about applied sport psychology but were afraid to ask

Papaioannou Athanasios - Motivational climate and personal growth goal:their contribution to well-being in sport and physical activity

Ruiz Montserat Cerezo - Feeling States and Athletic Performance
Theodorakis Yannis - Goal setting in sport and exercise settings. A theory that really works
Walter Nadja – Behavior change strategies, barrier management and developing habits in the light of lifestyle intervention programs
Zourbanos Nikos & Hatzigeorgiadis Antonios - Self-talk in Sport


 The course language is  English


 22-27 (until 12.00) January 2018


The course is open to postgraduate students or individuals holding a postgraduate degree in physical education, sport science, or psychology.
Please submit proof of language competence, as this may be used as a criterion for admission.


Department of Physical Education & Sport Science
University of Thessaly
Trikala city

Accomodation and Transport

Each student must pay and arrange their own travel to the course.

The University has secured low cost accommodation*, meals**, and transport*** from and to Athens airport for all participants.

*Accommodation for all 6 nights, with breakfast,
You will pay at the Hotel

  • 90 euros for a bed in a triple room, for all 6 nights
  • 105 euros for a bed in a double room, for all 6 nights
  • 150 euros for a single room, for all 6 nights

2.80 euros per day including lunch and dinner

Also included

The Department also offers to all students:

Registration Deadline

Registration deadline is 17 of November 2017
Students will be informed of their acceptance by 1st of December 2017
*You are considered as registered by the payment of the amount of 100 euros (more info in personal e-mail)

How to apply

 Please send us an e-mail of interest to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and cc to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  with your cv attached in english, and we will inform you about the application procedure.

Course responsible and coordinator

Professor Papaioannou Athanasios 
Director of the European Master of Sport & Exercise Psychology


Combine the excellent program of a 20-year old Intensive Course in Sport & Exercise Psychology with amazing experiences, including a half-day tour to the UNESCO World Heritage METEORA!

Dont miss this one 2 M319405

(please click)


map IC2017
photo:  Intensive course 2017: students from 24 countries around the world  attended  the program! 

This Intensive course is supported by the 
School of Physical Education & Sport Science
of the University of Thessaly 


More info about European Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology CLICK4


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