Self Talk in Sport: New Book by Professor Hatzigeorgiadis A.

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NEW BOOK: Self-talk in Sport
By Alexander T. Latinjak*, Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis*

Book Description
Athletes are naturally exposed to significant psychological challenges in sports, but do not wait helplessly for the assistance of sports psychologists or trainers. Instead, they practise one form or another of self-regulation. Self-talk in Sport explores one such self-regulatory strategy: self-talk, the inner voice that accompanies every human being throughout their lives. Over time, research has revealed many secrets of self-talk in sport, though many others remain unveiled. This book offers you the opportunity to discover the multiple identities of our self-talk, how the “inner coach” serves as a rational counterpart to the irrational self, and what we need to do to develop our inner voice to reach its maximum self-regulatory potential.

There is a general need for concrete interventions in sport, exercise, and performance psychology. In addition, the autonomous functioning of people is a central aim of psychological interventions that align with positive psychology and focus on people’s strengths rather than weaknesses. In this volume, researchers and applied practitioners are shown how they can use self-talk interventions to strengthen people’s rational self-regulation in order to deal with a variety of situations that apply to both sport and other exercise and performance contexts.

Since self-talk is a tangible result of cognitive processes and inner experiences that researchers and applied practitioners can barely access, Self-talk in Sport is a tool for sports psychologists to understand and interact with hidden parts within athletes that have a major impact on sport and exercise experiences and performance. A book demonstrating the diverse – both rational and irrational identities – of self-talk, as well as specific interventions to change the inner dialogue of athletes, is a fundamental piece in the education of sport scientists.

Table of Contents
1. Locating self-talk in the knowledge map of sport and exercise psychology

Alexander T. Latinjak

2. Pieces of the self-talk jigsaw puzzle: An introduction

Alexander T. Latinjak, James Hardy, and Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis

3. Assessment methods for organic self-talk

Thomas M. Brinthaupt and Alain Morin

4. Metacognition and goal-directed self-talk

Noel E. Brick, Mark J. Campbell, and Aidan P. Moran

5. Self-talk and emotion regulation

Julian Fritsch and Darko Jekauc

6. Organic self-talk antecedents: An interpretative review and implications for practice

Aristea Karamitrou, Evangelos Galanis, Yannis Theodorakis, and Nikos Comoutos

7. The reflexive self-talk intervention: Detailed procedures

Alexander T. Latinjak, Lucía Figal-Gomez, Philip Solomon-Turay, and Rafel Magrinyà-Vinyes

8. Rational self-talk: A rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) perspective

Martin J. Turner, Andrew G. Wood, Jamie B. Barker, and Nanaki Chadha

9. Strategic self-talk interventions

Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis, Evangelos Galanis, and Yannis Theodorakis

10. Self-talk mechanisms

Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis and Evangelos Galanis

11. Self-talk interventions in tennis and golf

Robert Weinberg and Alexander Bianco

12. Self-talk interventions in team-sport settings

James Hardy

13. Self-talk and endurance sports

Alister McCormick and Paul Anstiss

14. Self-talk in physical education: Motivational aspects and a guide for physical education teachers

Maša Marjanović, Charalampos Krommidas, Evangelos Mprisimis, Athanasios Papaioannou, and Nikos Comoutos

15. Contesting the role of self-talk in sport psychology in views of mindfulness, flow, and mind wandering

Daniel Birrer, Patricia C. Jackman, and Alexander T. Latinjak

Epilogue: Some facts and personal reflections on my self-talk

Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis

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Alexander T. Latinjak is a senior lecturer and the course leader of the BSc (Hons) Sport and Performance Psychology at the University of Suffolk, and visiting researcher at the EUSES Schools of Health and Sports Sciences in Catalonia. Although Alexander wrote his dissertation on strategic self-talk interventions for tennis players, he has recently been more intensively involved in the study of spontaneous and goal-directed self-talk. His research  led to the design of a reflexive self-talk intervention and the development of a conceptualisation of self-talk based on the distinction between organic and strategic self-talk.

Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis is a professor at the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science at the University of Thessaly, and director of the postgraduate programme Psychology of Physical Education and Sport. His main research interest has been self-talk, on which he has authored more than 35 articles and six book chapters. He is Associate Editor at Sport, Exercise and Sport Psychology, and has served as member of the managing council of the European Federation of Sport and Exercise Psychology for 12 years.

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