2020 Intensive Course in Sport & Exercise Psychology.

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Intensive Course of the European Master in sport and exercise psychology 2020

For the fifth consecutive year, the University of Thessaly in Greece hosted for a week (27 Jan - 1 Feb 2020) fourteen lecturers from Europe and America and 35 students from 20 countries around the world: Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, USA and Greece.

It is an Intensive Course (IC) organized by the Network of European Universities organizing the European Master Studies program in Sport and Exercise Psychology. The first IC took place in Leuven, Belgium in 1996 and then "traveled" to 12 other European countries and in recent years to Trikala, Greece. Next year Leipzig University in Germany will host the IC.

The participants enjoyed an intercultural environment and had the opportunity to get to know some of the Greek culture and hospitality. Every year the students leave with great excitement from the high level of teaching provided by the experts in the field.

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