Intensive Course in Sport & Exercise Psychology 2020.


Α high quality postgraduate level intensive course organized by the 
European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology 
 will be held

in Trikala, Greece, at the Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, University of Thessaly,
at 27/1 – 1/2, 2020 

Registration now open until 15/10/2019

(Except partners of the Sport and Exercise Psychology Network. Please ask your professors.)

First step: Please send an e-mail of interest at 
Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
(for more please read the article)

This 6-day intensive course follows up last year's success when our Department hosted 44 international postgraduate students
from 26 countries around the world

who attended classes delivered by 12 field experts from 8 European countries & Canada. 
Participants enjoyed a multicultural experience, and had the opportunity to discover the Greek culture and hospitality.

For Photos of past course:

NEW: The final list of 2020 lecturers: 13 Lecturers from 4 European Countries &  USA
 D7909972 AF8C 4833 ACDC C2EF15F0D744 1 201 a copy2    HATZIGEORGIADIS copy small     alex9147 small      nat Pic2
Chroni Stiliani
Inland Norway University
of Applied Sciences


Hatzigeorgiadis Antonis
University of  Thessaly
  Alexander T. Latinjak
University of Suffolk
  Nataniel Michael Boiangin
Barry University

Yonatan pic2 small




Carly pic copysmall       DSC 5492 copy3 small       Papaioannou.jpg

 Yonatan Sarig
Florida State University

  Carly J. Block
Florida State University

Morres Ioannis
University of Thessaly

  Papaioannou A.
University of Thessaly

Hasandra small     THEODORAKIS.jpeg    GOUDAS copy small   Foto Saül Alcaraz copySmall

Hasandra Maria
University of Thessaly

  Theodorakis Yiannis   
University of Thessaly

Goudas Marios
University of Thessaly

  Saül Alcaraz
Autonomous University of Barcelona

 Anonymous Evaluation of 2019 Intensive Course in Sport & Exercise Psychology

The Intensive Course is always a success and the 2019 students’ evaluation confirmed it again. In a scale 1-5 we are happy to announce that the overall evaluation was 4.4!

  • My overall experience in this course is better than I have ever expected, the experience to share with people from that many countries in a subject that we are all passionate about is what most fulfills coming here.
  • It was really interesting to meet and talk with almost 44 different nationalities and everyone with the same professional interest.
  • I enjoyed a lot everything! From the lesson to the professors, to the classmates and activities.
  • I think that this experience has given to me surely some knowledge regarding my professional desire as Sports Psychologist, but also the possibility to confront myself and my opinion to the other of a lot of people coming all over the world."
  • A great experience. I learned a lot and met some great people around the world who are all in my field of interest
  • This course was exactly what I was looking for to continue my professional formation in Sport and Exercise Psychology!
  • Very inspiring!
  • I have never experienced anything like this and is something I will always remember.
  • I really loved it. The lectures were very interesting and the whole program was great.
  • Fantastic. Days were intense but lecturers were great and relevant to our knowledge


The aim of the course is to provide Postgraduate  students with more in depth knowledge about research and practical experience in the field of Sport and Exercise Psychology. The course will enable multicultural communication, networking and cooperation among the students and the experts.
Certificates will be provided to all the participants of the course.


 The course language is  English


27/1 – 1/2  2020 in Trikala city, Greece


The course is open to postgraduate students or individuals holding a postgraduate degree in physical education, sport science, or psychology. 
Please submit proof of language competence, as this may be used as a criterion for admission. The order of application will also be considered for the selection.


Department of Physical Education & Sport Science
University of Thessaly
Karies, +Greece/@39.553431,19.5318049,7z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x1359193322772e5f:0x400bd2ce2b99fc0!8m2!3d39.5557317!4d21.7678951" data-mce-href=",+Greece/@39.553431,19.5318049,7z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x1359193322772e5f:0x400bd2ce2b99fc0!8m2!3d39.5557317!4d21.7678951">Trikala city

Registration fee

The Registration fee for students outside the European Sport and Exercise Psychology Network* for the course is 100 euros

* Partners in the Sport and Exercise Psychology Network are the Master programs in Sport and Exercise Psychology  from the following Universities: 
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences,  Norway, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium; University of Leipzig, Germany; University of Thessaly, Greece; Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain; University Montpellier, France; Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Lisbon Technical University, Portugal; Lund University, Sweden; Halmstad University College, Sweden; University of Jyväskylä, Finland; Norwegian School of Sport Science, Oslo, Norway; University of Rome, Italy

Accomodation and Transport (optional)

Each student must pay and arrange their own travel to the course.

The University has secured low cost accommodation*, meals**, and transport*** from and to Athens airport for all participants.

*Accommodation for all 6 nights, with breakfast, (You will pay at the Hotel)-Soon will be announced-

? euros for a bed in a triple room, for all 6 nights
? euros for a bed in a double room, for all 6 nights
? euros for a single room, for all 6 nights

2.80 euros per day including Breakfast, lunch and dinner

***Standard Transport (University Bus) to Athens Airport- Duration of the trip: 5 hours (the bus is available for all the participants with the same cost)

40 euros for a return trip from Athens Airport to Trikala and back
Sunday 26/1/2020, at 17.00 departure from Athens ariport to Trikala city
Saturday 1/2/2020, at 11.00 departure from Trikala to  Athens Airport . At 16.00 Greek time, participants will be at Athens Airport at 1/2/2020 (Duration of the trip: 5 hours) 

Also, included (for free)

The Department also offers to all students:

  • A free day trip to the Great Rocks of Meteora
  • Free dinner event with live Greek music (see photos in the link)
  • Free daily transport to and from the city to the University
  • Free bike in the city center (provided by Trikala Municipality)

Registration Deadline (the exact dates will be announced at the end of September)

Registration begins at 1st of September 2019
Registration deadline is at 15 of October 2019
Students will be informed of their acceptance at November.
*You are considered as registered by receiving a letter of admision  at November  and after the payment of the amount of the fee of 100 euros or 140 if you use the university bus  (more info in a personal e-mail)

Course responsible and coordinator

Professor Papaioannou Athanasios 
Director of the "European Master of Sport & Exercise Psychology" and Dean of the School of Physical Education & Sport Science
of the University of Thessaly  

How to apply

Please send an e-mail of interest to Ms Nadia Philippou at Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε. and cc to emΑυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε. 


Combine the excellent program of a 20-year old Intensive Course in Sport & Exercise Psychology with amazing experiences, including a half-day tour to the UNESCO World Heritage METEORA!

Dont miss this one 2 M319405

(please click)


map IC2017
photo:  students from around the world  attend  the program every year 


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