MSc Thesis Public Defence: Wednesday 28/6, Zoran & Giorgos


Σας καλούμε στις 28 Ιουνίου, ημέρα Τετάρτη και ώρα 14.15 στην αίθουσα των συνεδριάσεων (Κτίριο Α, 1ος όροφος) στη δημόσια παρουσίαση της μεταπτυχιακής διατριβής 2 μεταπτυχιακών φοιτητών του ΠΜΣ «Ψυχολογία της Άσκησης» και "European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology”

We are glad and proud to invite you, to the master thesis public defense by 2 postgraduate students from the "European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology/Erasmus Mundus" and “Master of Science in Psychology of Exercise ”on Wednesday, June 28 2017, at 14:15 / Blue room (Building A, 1st floor).

You are welcome to support the presentation of your colleagues!

Υποψήφιοι/ Candidates

14.15 Zoran Stojkovic MSc thesis, in English
Supervisor: Hatzigeorgiadis A.
Exploring self-talk mechanisms: Heart rate variability during exercise

15.00 Loules Giorgos MSc thesis, in English
Supervisor: Komoutos N.
The relationships between achievement goals, empowering and disempowering climate, and female athletes' self-talk in football.

The present study examined the relationships between athletes’ use of self-talk, achievement goals, and motivational climate. Participants consisted of one hundred ninety one female football players from Greece, aged from 10 to 23 (M=16, SD= 2.12). The athletes completed a short version of the Automatic Self-talk Questionnaire for Sport (ASTQS) for self-talk, the Empowering and Disempowering Motivational Climate (EDMCQ-C) for motivational climate, and the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) for achievement goals. Two hierarchical regression analyses were conducted in order to examine the degree to which goal orientations (i.e., task and ego orientation) and perceptions of coach-created motivational climate (i.e., perceived empowering and disempowering climate) could predict players’ positive and negative self-talk. The findings revealed with regard to positive self-talk that achievement goals explained 5% of the variance. In particular, task orientation emerged as the only significant predictor of players’ positive self-talk. The addition of the empowering and disempowering climate at Step 2 increased significantly the total explained variance to 6%. With regard to negative self-talk, the findings revealed that at Step 1 achievement goals explained 4 % of the variance. Ego orientation was the only significant predictor of players’ negative self-talk. At Step 2 the total explained variance increased to 11% showing that only disempowering climate significantly and positively predicted players’ negative self-talk The results are discussed in relation to the important role of coaches’ behaviour in the formulation of athletes’ self-talk.

Public Defence FINAL 21 6

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