Welcome to our new students!


It's the start of the school year and we couldn't be more happy to welcome our new students. It's been a challenging and unique year. A year away from the traditional classroom. The return to it is something we have been waiting for quite some time. And we can't wait to share this excitement with our new students for the 2021-2022 academic year! So, from all of us here at EMSEP, welcome! We are glad to have you!


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Below, you will find the detailed scheduled of the first week. Again, welcome!

MSc schedule 2021-2022 – 1st Semester, Week 1

Mon 4/10 11.00-12.00 Welcome coffee Outdoors
Mon 4/10 12.00-13.30 Seminar I: Ethics – Plagiarism Theodorakis
Mon 4/10 15.00-18.15 Seminar II: Preparing presentations Giakas
Tue 5/10 09.00-11.00 Intro to Research methods Hatzigeorgiadis
Tue 5/10 11.30-13.30 Intro to Research methods Hatzigeorgiadis
Tue 5/10 16.00-17.30 Seminar ΙΙI: e-Library Bouglas
Tue 5/10 18.00-19.00 Presentation of Study programme Hatzigeorgiadis / Papaioannou
Wed 6/10 10.00-11.15 Intro to Sport Psych & Foundations Hatzigeorgiadis
Wed 6/10 11.30-13.30 The Sport Psych map Latinjak
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