The Intensive Course this year at Leipzig University!

After five consecutive years that the Intensive Course in Sport and Exercise Psychology was hosted at the University of Thessaly in Trikala, this year it is hosted by the University of Leipzig in Germany. For more info:
From the manual of the past Intensive courses in Trikala, by Professor Papaioannou Athanasios:
"25 years after the first Intensive Course (IC) of the European Masters in Sport and Exercise Psychology that took place in Leuven, Belgium, this year is hosted by Germany.
This historic IC is one of the oldest ever networks of Master’s programs of European universities.
As always, the high standards of the IC are due to the enthusiasm and volunteerism of the lecturers of this network. The main motive of these lecturers is to sustain alive the spirit of continuous development of European Sport Psychology and to disseminate this enthusiasm and spirit to the youngest generation of European sport psychologists.
We believe that over the years it has helped all of us to develop a young profession and a scientific association in Europe that has a truly European identity; an identity that harmoniously integrates the diverse experiences of all of us who live, study, teach
and apply sport and exercise psychology in this continent."
Some unforgettable moments:
