Intensive Course in Sport & Exercise Psychology - 14 Lecturers from 5 European Countries & USA


On the 27th of January 2020, we welcome the 24th Intensive Course (IC) of the European Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology. We are very pleased to host once more this historic IC, organized by one of the oldest networks of Master’s programs among European universities. This is the 6th time that this IC will be hosted in Trikala and we hope to reach the success of last year.
 The last time that we organized it in Trikala was in 2019 and both students and lecturers were so satisfied that we decided to host it again in 2020. Our team consisted of the excellent European colleagues of our network will do our very best to provide the same level of quality and satisfaction that our network has offered to an entire generation of European Sport Psychologists. This high level of students’ satisfaction sustained alive this historic IC for more than 20 continuous years. As always, the high sta­­­ndards of the IC are due to the enthusiasm and volunteerism of the lecturers of this network. The main motive of these lecturers is to sustain alive the spirit of continuous development of European Sport Psychology and to disseminate this enthusiasm and spirit to the youngest generation of European sport psychologists


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Chroni Stiliani
Inland Norway University
of Applied Sciences


Hatzigeorgiadis Antonis
University of  Thessaly
  Alexander T. Latinjak
University of Suffolk
  Nataniel M. Boiangin
Barry University

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 Yonatan Sarig
Florida State University

  Carly J. Block
Florida State University
   Morres D. Ioannis
University of Thessaly

Nadja Walter
Leipzig University

  Papaioannou A.
University of Thessaly

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Hasandra Maria
University of Thessaly

  Theodorakis Yiannis   
University of

Goudas Marios
University of Thessaly

  Saül Alcaraz
Autonomous University of Barcelona

Barca Foundation

The topics of 2020 course

LATINJAK Alex- University of Suffolk- UK & HATZIGEORGIADIS Antonis – University of Thessaly- Greece: Self-talk in Sport

BIOANGIN Nataniel., SARIG Yonatan., BLOCK Carly- Florida State University & Barry University- USA: The use of technology in sport psychology research and practice

CHRONI Stiliani - Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences-Norway: Transiting from athlete-to-coach

GOUDAS Marios- University of Thessaly-Greece Life skills development through sport & Physical Education

PAPAIOANNOU Athanasios – University of Thessaly- Greece : Motivational climate and personal growth goal: their contribution to well-being in sport and physical activity

CANALS Alejandro - Barca Foundation-Spain: “FutbolNet: A Barça Foundation methodology improving wellbeing and social inclusion of children and youth”

WALTER Nadja- University of Leipzig- Germany: Behavior Change Strategies, Barrier Management And Developing Habits In The Light Of Lifestyle Intervention Programs

THEODORAKIS Yannis – University of Thessaly-Greece: Sports against addiction

MORRES D. Ioannis – University of Thessaly-Greece: Exercise for depression: Review and individual treatment perspectives

ALCARAZ GARCIA Saül -University of Barcelona-Spain: Preparing and delivering SDT-based interventions in sport and physical activity

HASANDRA Maria-University of Thessaly-Greece: Applications of behavior change techniques for physical activity


35 participants from 20 countries around the world: Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, USA



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