Erasmus+ SPORT- IMPACT Project Kick-Off Meeting

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Researchers & officers from six European Universities, Four European Educational Authorities and three European Physical Education Associations in School of Physical Education & Sport Science  for the Implementation of a European Project

On Monday, March 20 and Tuesday, March 21 the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences of the University of Thessaly organized a meeting involving leading professors and researchers in psychology of sport and Physical Education (PE) from six leading universities in sport science in Europe (Greece, Spain , England, France, Turkey, Italy), representatives from 3 European Ministries of Education (Greece, France, Turkey) and 3 European PE Associations (European PE Association, Germany, Italy).

This was the first (Kick-off) meeting of this research consortium focused on the initiation of research and educational activities related to the implementation of the European IMPACT Project (Identifying and Motivating youth who mostly need Physical ACTivity).

The IMPACT project will be implemented from 2017 to 2019 in six European countries in cooperation with educational institutions of these countries.

It aims at the development of a European policy
for the promotion of extracurricular
sport and physical activity and health
of children and adolescents
through physical education.

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It will involve more than 2000 students from each country, aged 10-18 years.
Project coordinator at European level is Papaioannou Athanasios Professor and a team of researchers of the School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Thessaly, who will collaborate with executives and researchers from 12 European partners for the implementation of the program. The project is directly financed by the European Community, after successful application to the competitive ERASMUS + SPORT program.

IMPACT PROJECT : Promote Physical Activity through PE
Implemented by :
University of Thessaly (coordinator)
University of Barcelona
University of Birmingham
University of Grenoble-Alpes
Hacettepe University
University of Padova
Greek Ministry of Education
Greek Institute of Educational Policy
Ankara Ministry of Education
Grenoble Regional Educational Authority
European Physical Education Association
Association of Physical Education Teachers in Germany
Association of Physical Education Teachers in Italy

IMPACT project is supported by the European Commission, European ERASMUS + SPORT program.


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