New Book (Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis): Sport and Exercise Psychology Research. From Theory to Practice.

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Elsevier Publications

Edited by: 
Markus Raab
Paul Wylleman
Roland Seiler
Anne-Marie Elbe
Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis

 This thorough reference offers a summary of new research in sport and exercise psychology from leading worldwide researchers.

Encompassing theory, research, and applications,
the book is split into several themed sections,
and features input from award-winning researchers from
the European Sport Psychology Association (FEPSAC),
along with top researchers from the U.S.,  
to bring an international overview to sport psychology.

Section 1, discusses basic antecedents to performance including fitness, practice, emotion, team dynamics, and more.

Section 2, identifies factors influencing individual performance.

Section 3, discusses applied sport psychology for athletes and coaches, and

section 4, includes approaches from exercise psychology on motivation and well-being.

Table of contents CLICK HERE      Please see more info CLICK HERE


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