EMSEP former students gathered at the 12th ENYSSP Conference in Warsaw!

Photo: EMSEP, "Trikala" Kids :-)

 The 12th ENYSSP Conference in Warsaw, Poland, gathered many of our former EMSEP (European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology) postgraduate students! 

Glykeria and Vaggelis from Greece, Julian from Germany, and Jón from the Faroe Islands presented their work in form a poster or oral communication at the sport psychology conference. Other attendees included Nikita  from India, Paul  from Canada, Masa and Milos from Serbia, Dennis from Germany, Bernadette from the Netherlands,Hossein from Iran and Cedric from Belgium!
The conference, "Professional development: Where can you take sport and exercise psychology?", attracted in total participants from more than 20 countries!
For more info about the European Network of Young Specialists in Sports Psychology please visit the web site http://www.enyssp.com/upcoming-conference

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photo: Julian Fritsch & Jón Gregersen  


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