Professor Theodorakis Y.: 23rd International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students

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23rd International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students

The 23rd International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students organized by the International Olympic Academy is taking place 1-30 September 2016 at Ancient Olympia.

Professor Yannis Theorodakis was invited for a number of lectures:

(1)  What we learned from Rio, 2016. (2) Ethics in sports and the role of the Olympic Movement against doping. (3) The Kallipateira project: from sports to everyday life, all different, all equal. (4) Olympic education. (5) Exercise, sports, health and quality of life. (6) On aggression


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Photo: Professor Theodorakis Y. and the postgraduate students of the seminar

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