A. Hatzigeorgiadis: The new treasurer of FEPSAC


Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis, Associate Professor, is the new treasurer of FEPSAC managing council. Antonis is a member of FEPSAC  since 2007.

The New managing council for the next 4 years is:

Anne-Marie Elbe - President

Xavier Sanchez - Vice President Communication and Development 

Nadine Debois - Secretary General

Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis - Treasurer

Markus Raab - Vice President Research

Karin Moesch

Lina Vaisetaite

Maurizio Bertollo

Rita De Oliveira

For Further information about FEPSAC and how you can be a member please visit the official web site:  http://www.fepsac.com/ 

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