Antonis HATZIGEORGIADIS, Professor

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Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis received his BSc in Physical Education & Sport Sciences from Democritus University of Thrace (Greece, 1993), his MSc in Exercise & Sport Psychology from University of Exeter (UK, 1996) and his PhD from Loughborough University (UK, 2000). Antonis is member of staff at the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science at the University of Thessaly since 2001. He teaches at the undergraduate (psychological skills training, research methods, and swimming) and postgraduate (Foundation of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Psychological Skills Training, Exercise and Mental Health, Research Methods) programs of the department. His research involves issues within the sport psychology domain and in particular cognitive processes, self-talk, anxiety and coping, as well as issues related to motivation and morality. He is Section Editor for the journals ‘International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology’ and “Inquiries in Physical Education and Sport” and member of the Editorial Board for the journals ‘Psychology of Sport and Exercise’ and ‘Hellenic Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences’. He was elected member of the Managing Council of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) until 2019.

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