Yannis THEODORAKIS, Professor

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Yannis Theodorakis is member of the council of the university, professor of Sport Psychology in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science at the Uni­versity of Thessaly, Greece. He was vice rector at the University of Thessaly (2008-2012), elected member in Managing Council of European Society of Sport Psychology (1999-2003), head of his Department (2000-2004 & 2006-8), president of the Greek Society of Sport Psychology (2004-2006), member of the Editorial Board of “Psychology of Sport and Exercise” (1999-2013), president of the Hellenic Academy of Physical Education (2008-2012). He is the editor of the open access journal “Inquiries in Sports and Physical Education” since 2003. He has a Bed in physical education and sport science and PhD in sport and exercise psychology. He has published 20 books and chapters, and more than 150 articles in Greek and international journals, in the areas of sport and exercise psychology, health psychology, goals setting, self-talk, attitude and behavior relationships, and physical education.

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