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Master Thesis Public Defense: Katerina & Nastasja


10.00 : Κωνσταντίνου Αικατερίνη (Konstantinou Katerina)

The effect of a goal-setting intervention on the frequency of participation in organized exercise programmes

Supervising Committee: Theodorakis Y.,  Hatzigeorgiadis A.,  Comoutos N.


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a goal-setting intervention on frequency of participation in women attending organized exercise programmes. Participants were 36 women who were assigned into intervention (n= 17) and control (n=19) groups. The intervention lasted eight weeks, during which the intervention group was trained and consulted for the use of  goal-setting. Frequency of attendance was recorded four weeks prior to the onset of the study (M1), during the intervention (M2 – M3), and four weeks following the completion of the intervention (M4). In addition, the satisfaction of the basic psychological need swere assessed before and after the completion of the intervention. The results showed that (a) for the intervention group frequency of participation increased from M1 to M2 (p< .05), remained stable from M2 to M3 (p= .40), and decreased from M3 to M4 (p< .01); (b) for the control group, frequency decreased from M1 to M2 (p< .01), remained stable from M2 to M3 (p= .35), and from M3 to M4 (p= .67). Regarding the satisfaction of psychological needs, it was revealed that score on competence increased for the intervention group but remained stable for the control group, and scores for autonomy remained stable for the intervention group but decreased for the control group. The findings showed that goal-setting has positive effects on participation for as long as the intervention lasted; however these effects were not sustained after its conclusion, suggesting (a) goal-setting consultants may help improving adherence in organized programmes, and (b) that such interventions should place emphasis on developing individuals’ skills on goal setting.

10.30: Nastasja Minja 

The effects of self-talk on flow in elite Tae Kwon Do athletes

Supervising Committee: Hatzigeorgiadis A., Comoutos N., Theodorakis Y.


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of a self-talk intervention on flow and performance in elite Tae Kwon Do athletes. Overall, 17 participants completed all the requirements of the study and were included in the final analysis (M age 15.80, SD = 2.41 years). The experimental group (n = 7) underwent an 8-week intervention implemented in-between two competitions where flow was assessed. Assessments of kick performance through measures of force and repetitions for both the dominant and the non-dominant leg, were obtained within a week following each competition in laboratory settings. The results showed a notable increase for the experimental group in overall flow and the dimensions of challenge-skills balance, clear goals, unambiguous feedback, concentration on the task at hand and sense of control post-intervention, whereas no differences were found for the control group. The analyses regarding kick performance revealed a significant increase of peak force for the roundhouse kick and an increased number of kicks for the repetitive roundhouse kick in the experimental group for the non-dominant leg, whereas no differences were found for the dominant leg. No differences in kick performance were recorded for the control group. The findings based on biomechanical measures show support for positive effects of self-talk on performance and offer indications for self-talk mechanisms enhancing flow experience in competitive sports.

Keywords: optimal experience, self-talk mechanisms, intervention, biomechanics, kick force

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