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MSc Thesis Public Defence: Tuesday 27/6, Kanyali


Σας καλούμε στις 27 Ιουνίου, ημέρα Τρίτη και ώρα 10.30 στην αίθουσα των συνεδριάσεων (Κτίριο Α, 1ος όροφος) στη δημόσια παρουσίαση της μεταπτυχιακής διατριβής μιας μεταπτυχιακής μας φοιτήτριας του ΠΜΣ"European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology”

We are glad and proud to invite you, to the master thesis public defense by a postgraduate student from the "European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology" on Tuesday, June 27 2017, at 11:15 / Blue room (Building A, 1st floor).

You are welcome to support the presentation of your colleagues!

Υποψήφια/ Candidate

11.15 Kanyali Ilako MSc thesis, Supervisor Goudas M.

In English

"A phenomenological investigation into how elite coaches developed effective techniques to manage their stress"

 Public Defence


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