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Students of the Master Program & Professor Y. Theodorakis at the Half Marathon Night Run! Congrats!

2Night marathon

8th of October, 5th Thessaloniki half marathon night run


The new group of postgraduate students of the European Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology, was there with Professor Yannis Theodorakis: Madison Farnsworth from California/ USA, Rachele Nateli from Italy, Joshua Caleb Jenkins from Georgia /USA, Nastasja Minja from Slovenia and Maxime Bascou & Eleonore Minez from France!

Results: Joshua Jenkins excellent time 1.19.21, Julian  Fritsch (PhD Candidate in our School) 1.45.53, Maxime Bascou 2:04.31, and Professor Yannis Theodorakis 1:45.36.

Congratulations to all of you! Always proud of our students!

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Night marathon


night marathon 2016


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